Forest climate projects have very strict criteria for successful verification, recognition, and these criteria are additionality, permanence and leakage control. The presence of these criteria creates serious problems for the effective implementation of forest climate projects on the lands of the forest fund, that is, where the forest exists and where it grows on its own. The article provides a quantitative assessment of the potential of project activities (forest climate projects) aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon sequestration in forests according to the forms of maintaining the state forest registry. To form the most general picture of areas suitable for the implementation of forest-climatic projects, we grouped forest and non-forest lands that are most suitable for project activities and allow implementing the principles of climate projects by types of project activities. As a result of the study, it was proved that climate projects designed for afforestation, organization of intact forest areas and reforestation have significant potential. It has been established that the diversity of conditions, land categories, and the protection of forests in the Russian Federation create prerequisites for the implementation of various climate projects and adaptation measures in the country's forest fund. The implementation of these additional targeted climate-oriented activities will ensure, in the long term, the low-carbon development of forestry in regional systems, which makes it possible to evaluate the prospects for implementation positively and creates conditions for the growth of their investment attractiveness.