In this study, we have performed a large-scale assessment on the native distribution range of the marine non-indigenous species (NIS) found in at least one of the European Seas (Mediterranean, NE Atlantic Ocean, Black, Baltic Sea). As a basis, we have used the most updated pan-European NIS inventory, provided by the European Alien Species Information Network. All taxonomic groups have been considered for this analysis, taking into account established NIS in European Seas (824 taxa in total). The vast majority of the European marine NIS have their native distribution in the Western and Central Indo-Pacific, being mostly associated with introductions into the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez Canal. However, this overall pattern is heavily influenced by the fact that 76% of all NIS primary introductions in Europe have been reported first from the Mediterranean Sea. A more detailed analysis revealed various patterns of the dominating native distributions of the primarily introduced NIS in Europe, depending on the European marine subregions where they have been initially introduced and their associated pathways. There seems to be a general decrease in NIS introductions in Europe, especially when it comes to NIS with native distribution in the Temperate Northern Pacific, although this trend should be treated with caution. The information provided in the current study can be useful for tailored management of specific primary pathways per marine subregion, supporting prioritization efforts.