This paper presents the results of a project conducted under the Green eld Coalition concerning the development of an e-portfolio (a digital version of portfolios) assessment system. The goal of the system is to support student, course, instructor and curriculum assessment to enable continuous improvement of the educational process through the development of portfolios for each of them. In designing this system two areas of concern were identi ed: the development of an architecture for an easily maintainable system for structuring assessment portfolios and whether the system would be easy enough for rst-year students to use. Two experiments were conducted to resolve these issues and verify that the architecture under development is proceeding appropriately. To assure that the resulting system can properly structure and display the portfolios, a set of student and course data was entered into the system. Pages demonstrating the students' progress toward a course objective were automatically generated. To af rm that the mechanism identi ed for collecting the data is appropriate, a year-long digital portfolio collection was undertaken. Students submitted their coursework and supporting documents to a web server and used it to create their portfolio. Student reaction to the system was favourable. This project leads us to believe that the suggested architecture holds promise and merits continued development.