Objective: The article aims to analyze how the Methodology of the Three Pedagogical Moments, combined with the use of indigenous games and play, can contribute to the promotion of environmental education in encouraging the development of sustainable practices among elementary school students.
Theoretical Framework: The article aims to investigate how the use of indigenous games and games can contribute, as pedagogical tools, to the promotion of sustainable practices and environmental awareness among elementary school students.
Method: The research comprises a qualitative approach, organized according to the Three Pedagogical Moments Methodology (3PM). Data collection was carried out using the following instruments: introductory lecture, questionnaires, research prepared by students, video, thematic workshop - production of toys: Jaguar Game, Shuttlecock and Spinning Top with recyclable materials and production of a short text by students.
Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed that the study contributed to the fields of environmental and intercultural education, by showing that indigenous recreational practices, toys such as shuttlecocks, spinning tops and jaguar games, are still part of the daily lives of non-indigenous children.
Research Implications: The implications of this research cover several areas, promoting the appreciation of traditional indigenous knowledge in the school curriculum, while at the same time innovating the pedagogical practices of Environmental Education with the use of games and games.
Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by integrating traditional indigenous knowledge and 3MP methodologies in the teaching of Environmental Education, promoting sustainable practices in an inclusive and culturally rich way.