In [6], D'Angelo introduced the notion of finite type for points p of a real hypersurface M of C n by defining the order of contact ∆ q (M, p) of complex analytic q-dimensional varieties with M at p. Later, Catlin [4] defined q-type, D q (M, p) for points of hypersurfaces by considering generic (n − q + 1)-dimensional complex affine subspaces of C n . We define a generalization of the Catlin's q-type for an arbitrary subset M of C n in a similar way that D'Angelo's 1-type, ∆ 1 (M, p), is generalized in [13]. Using recent results connecting the D'Angelo and Catlin q-types in [1] and building on D'Angelo's work on the openness of the set of points of finite ∆ q -type, we prove the openness of the set of points of finite Catlin q-type for an arbitrary subset M ⊂ C n .