In this paper, we introduce and study relative phantom morphisms in extriangulated categories defined by Nakaoka and Palu. Then using their properties, we show that if (C , E, s) is an extriangulated category with enough injective objects and projective objects, then there exists a bijective correspondence between any two of the following classes: (1) special precovering ideals of C ; (2) special preenveloping ideals of C ; (3) additive subfunctors of E having enough special injective morphisms; and (4) additive subfunctors of E having enough special projective morphisms. Moreover, we show that if (C , E, s) is an extriangulated category with enough injective objects and projective morphisms, then there exists a bijective correspondence between the following two classes: (1) all object-special precovering ideals of C ; (2) all additive subfunctors of E having enough special injective objects.