publishes refereed articles that examine research and research-related topics in vocational education, career and technical education, preparation for work, and the workplace. The JVER Editorial Board is committed to publishing scholarly work that represents a variety of conceptual and methodological bases. Submission of manuscripts representing one of the following styles is encouraged: (a) empirically-based manuscripts that report results of original research, either quantitative or qualitative, (b) reviews or synthesis of empirical or theoretical literature, (c) essays derived from original historical or philosophical research, (d) reviews of recently published books, and (e) rejoinders to articles recently published in the JVER. Page costs are not typically assessed. However, if a manuscript is accepted, authors will be asked either to supply camera-ready tables and figures, or pay for the costs incurred in preparing complex tables and figures for publication.Printed by The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.
The Journal of Vocational Education ResearchMANUSCRIPT PREPARATION. One (1) electronic copy (on floppy disk, CD, or email) of the manuscript should be submitted to the Editor. The electronic version must be in MS Word version 6 or higher. All lines should be numbered. Manuscripts typically range in length from 20 to 30 double-spaced pages including references, tables, and figures. Text, references, and tables must be prepared according to the guidelines detailed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). The title page should include the title of the article, and the name, affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number for each author. Each manuscript must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 150 words and all lines in the manuscript must be consecutively numbered. The receipt of all manuscripts will be acknowledged within one week of receipt. Manuscripts are subjected to a double-blind refereed review process. Typically, three individuals, plus the Editor, review each manuscript. Reviewers' comments and a letter indicating the publication decision will be sent to the primary author approximately 3-4 months following receipt. Manuscripts accepted for publication are usually published within one year of formal acceptance. To defray rising publication costs, authors who are not members of AVERA will be required to pay a $50.00 fee if their manuscript is accepted for publication. Published authors will receive two complimentary copies of the JVER.
READER COMMENTSThe Journal welcomes comments from readers on articles that have appeared in recent issues. Submitted comments must speak directly to content of the article of reference, not exceed four manuscripts pages, and conform to APA reporting format. These manuscripts may be sent out for peer review at the Editor's discretion. Author(s) of the original article will have an option of responding to published comments of their work.
SUBSCRIPTIONSThe JVER is included in regular and student ...