Recent high‐pressure room temperature torsional shear data on granodiorite, granite, quartz‐biotite‐plagioclase gneiss, and dunite are reviewed. Observed transitions in the rate of change in the shear strength of granodiorite at about 5 (with a simulated pore fluid), 15, 40, and 80 kbar, plus explosivelike failure of the rock at about 85 kbar, agree with the predicted alternating sequence of noncatastrophic and catastrophic modes of shear failure with increasing pressure. Granite and gneiss behave much like granodiorite over an explored 0‐ to 70‐kbar range of pressure. Dunite shows a pattern similar to that of granodiorite with transitions at about 10, 25, 50, and 75 kbar. Although dunite showed no explosivelike failure to the 95‐kbar limit of test, comparative microstructural observations suggest that it will occur at a higher pressure. A direct proportionality has been observed during torsional tests between the magnitude of stress drop at failure and the volume of rock undergoing failure. Two mechanisms are proposed for shear displacement beyond the limit of simple frictional sliding. A previously proposed failure model is revised on the basis of new data on room temperature strengths and observed microstructural changes, available data on strengths at high temperatures and pressures, the temperature profile within a downmoving crustal slab, and the spatial distribution of earthquakes within such a slab. A calculation of the strain release energy available for seismic radiation according to the revised model shows that total stress relief on a 4.5 × 1011‐cm2 surface of catastrophic failure yields approximately 1024 ergs, independent of depth. This is equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude 8.5. Similarly, a 2 × 107‐cm2 surface of catastrophic failure produces approximately 1018 ergs, equivalent to an earthquake of magnitude 4.