An experimental investigation is conducted to improve the tribological properties of M50 composites (M). Using WS 2 (MW) is investigated under different temperatures (RT, 200, 400, 600, and 800 °C), and constant applied load (12N) and sliding speed (0.2m/s). The XRD, EPMA, FESEM, and EDS Mapping are conducted to understand the major mechanisms leading to improve the tribological properties of the M50 composites. Results suggested that MW provides the best tribological behaviors over the wide temperature range. The friction coefficients of MW are decreased by 13.51% as compared to that of M at 800 °C due to the formation of lubricating tribo-films on the worn surfaces.
Research & Development in Material Science2/8
Res Dev Material SciAll previous articles confirmed that ZnO-WS 2 is a good lubricative candidate at elevated temperatures.