He presented to our institute wlth fever and general malaise in July 1990. Complete blood count showed 9.6 gidl, WBC 1.7 x 109/L, and platelets 85 X IO' iL. Bone marrow aspirate showed hypercellularity with 69.2% atypical promyelocytes with Auer rods. Cytochemical examination revealed that leukemic cells in the bone marrow were highly positive for peroxidase stain. Chromosomal analysis of marrow cells by G-banding revealed normal karyotype. lmrnunophenotyping of the leukemic cells was CD13 (54.8%) and CD33 (57.0%) positive. Thus, the patient was diagnosed as having APL. He was treated with behenoyl cytosine arabinoside, daunorubicin, 6-niercaptopurine, and prednisolone. A complete remission was achieved after I month, The patient remains in complete remission in June 1991.DM is a rare and severe disorder characterized by an inflammatory myopathy and typical cutaneous lesions [3]. Some reports have noted that patients with DM develop malignant neoplastic disease, and that the most common tumors associated with DM are those of the lungs. uterus, ovary, breast. prostate, and gastrointestinal tract 141. However, it is very unusual that DM was associated with APL and moreover with seminoma. T o our knowledge, this association has not been previously described. There are various possible causes for the APL seen in our patient. In this case, seminoma was treated with cytotoxic drugs. It is possible that APL occurred as a therapy-related leukemia. Therapy-related leukemias are known to occur as a side effect of treatment with cytotoxic drugs, particularly alkylating agents IS]. Moreover, therapy-related leukemias commonly accompany cytogenetic abnormality and inyelodysplastic changes [6,7]. However. in our patient the clinical presentation and evolution were not typical of therapy-related leukemias. In addition, alkylating agents were not used in this case. Thus, there was little possibility of therapy-related leukemia. Although an abnormal immune mechanism may have caused the APL, we cannot directly demonstrate it. We must also consider the possibility that the association of DM. APL. and seminoma in our patient may have been entirely coincidental.We conclude that awareness of this association may lead to earlier detection of malignancy. and hence to potentially more effective therapy.