The aim of our research is to develop a floristic, phytocenological, ecological, cytogenetic, economic, syndynamic and ecoprotective study of the vegetation of the dominant grasslands of Festuca valesiaca Scleicher ex Gaudin and Agrostis capillaris L. in the North-West region of Romania. A numer of 20 phytocenological surveys were carried out in the most representative sample areas in order to find answers to the five objectives pursued. The species from the floristic inventory of the grasslands are included in the Association table according to the cenotic affinity criteria as characteristic and differential entities for the cenotaxons of the alliance, order and class. The phytocoenoses of the grasslands gathered in the association Agrostio-Festucetum valesiacae are statistically analysedin the results based on tables, histograms, dendrograms, diagrams on the distribution of species in ecological bioforms categories, phytogeographic elements, cytogenetic elements, ecological indices or factors: soil moisture, air temperature, soil chemical reaction. The succession dynamics of phytocoeneoses, the economic value and the productive potential, the sustainable and eco-protective management of the grasslands were all studied. The results thus obtained were compared with two reference papers belonging to authors who conducted more recent studies in different geographical regions. Eight conclusions were drafted in which both the results of the research and the original contribution of the authors are summarized.