Convergentr outes to av ariety of indolines, indoles, oxindoles, and their aza analogues involving radical additions of xanthates are described. Three approaches are summarized. The first is the least general and relies on the generation of aryl or heteroaryl radicals startingf rom diazonium salts. The second involves radical addition to N-allylanilines followed by ring-closure onto the aromatic core. A large varietyo fi ndolines and azaindolines can thus be obtained and, in many cases, converted into the corresponding indoles and azaindoles by variousm ethods. Thes ynthesiso f novel fluoroazaindolines and fluoroazaindoles by ar are homolytic ipso-substitution of fluorine atoms is particularly noteworthy.T he last approachh inges on the direct modification of indoles by radical addition to the pyrrole subunit of the indolen ucleus. Application of this methodology to the total synthesis of melatonin andt he alkaloids mersicarpine, caulerpine, and the pentacyclic skeleton of tronocarpine is briefly discussed. Mosto ft he compounds described herein would be difficult to obtain by more traditional routes.