“…[4614] The focal compression of the trigeminal nerve root, by an aberrant loop of an artery or vein at the root entry zone (REZ), has been the most acceptable theory for the development of idiopathic TN. [12459] There are also other etiologies mentioned for TN including, infiltration of the nerve root, Gasserian ganglion or branches by a tumor or amyloidoma,[1391112] small infarcts, angioma or cavernoma in the pons, medulla, or REZ,[12716] chemical irritation by neoplastic factors,[2111214] herniation of the temporal lobe,[2] chronic subdural hematoma, hydrocephalous[4] posterior fossa tumors,[5–814] contralateral posterior fossa tumors,[58] ipsilateral and contralateral supra tentorial tumors,[468912] basilar invagination,[8] and Chiari malformation. [10]…”