Introduction: Sunlight plays a crucial role in sustaining human life, however, its impacts vary according to factors such as duration of exposure, intensity and frequency. These impacts can be beneficial, such as the synthesis of vitamin D and the stimulation of melanin production, which have positive effects on the human body. However, inadequate and unprotected exposure to solar radiation can cause damage to the body, such as premature aging and, ultimately, the development of skin cancer. The objective of this study was to analyze whether awareness had an impact on the habits of Endemic Disease Control Agents in the municipality of Ourinhos-SP in relation to sun exposure. Method: The research was carried out using a questionnaire on sun exposure and photoprotection, which contains 11 questions regarding photoprotection and sun exposure habits, applied to 27 (twenty-seven) agents combating endemic vector diseases, in Ourinhos- SP, after a period of two months, the same questionnaire was administered again. Results: A total of 14.8% of participants do not apply sunscreen daily, while 40.7% of those who use sunscreen apply it twice a day and 92.6% use a hat, cap or visor as a protective measure against sunscreen. sun exposure. Conclusion: It is concluded that, despite the high risk of developing skin cancer, these professionals demonstrate greater awareness.