Background: Low T3 syndrome refers to a set of thyroid hormone metabolism alterations present in disease state. A correlation between low T3 and poor clinical outcomes in the intensive care unit is more established. Nonetheless, studies on non-critically ill patients are few and controversial.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and predictive value of low T3 levels on 30 days- and six month-term mortality in non-critically ill patients. Secondary outcomes evaluated length of hospital stay, overall mortality, and hospital readmission.
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Methods: 345 consecutive patients from Internal medicine ward of a tertiary hospital in southern Brazil included from October 2018 to April 2019 and followed for 6 months. Levels of total serum T3 were measured weekly, from admission to discharge, and correlated with 30-day hospital mortality.
Results: Prevalence of low T3 was 36.6%. Low T3 levels were associated with higher 30-days hospital mortality (15.1% versus 4.1%, p<0.001) and higher 6-months overall mortality (31.7% versus 13.2%, p<0.001). Total serum T3 at admission was an independent predictor of 30-days hospital mortality.
Conclusion: Low T3 levels are a prevalent condition among non-critically ill patients and this condition is associated with poor clinical outcomes in this population. Total serum T3 levels, alone or in association with other predictive scores, were demonstrated to be an easy and valuable tool for risk stratification, and should be further employed in this setting.