SummaryIn this study, we measured the changes in binding characteristics of T3 to its nuclear receptor in lungs of rats from 2 days of age to adulthood. In all ages studied, we found a single class of binding sites with a mean Ka of 1.16 + 0.05 x 10'' M-'. The specificity of the nuclear receptor, as judged by the relative affiities of thyroid hormone analogs, is in general agreement with data previously reported for lung and other organs. A significant decrease in the maximum binding capacity of the lung T3 receptor occurs between 30 and 40 days of age: 0 to 30 days, 0.208 2 0.005 pmole T3/mg protein; 40 days to adulthood, 0.111 + 0.007 pmole T3/mg protein.Our experiments showed that this reduction is not due to differential recovery of nuclei or efficiency of extraction at various ages. The relative saturation of the nuclear receptor increases from 26% at 2 days of age to 48% in the adult animal. Thyroid status has no significant effect on the nuclear T3 biding capacity of developing rat lung up to 11 days of age. However, hyperthyroidism substantially increased the binding capacity in lungs of adult animals (0.157 + 0.009 versus 0.108 + 0.006 pmole T3/mg protein), without a corresponding reduction in hypothyroidism (0.116 + 0.007 pmole T3/mg protein). These findings suggest that thyroid hormones play a yet unspecified important role in lung physiology during the first month of life in the rat. though functional, rat lungs are still not mature at birth since they contain no true alveoli. Important changes in morphology, morphometry, and cell population occur during the first 3 postnatal weeks in the rat (4, 5, 21). These postnatal changes constitute events that could be affected by thyroid hormones. In this regard, thyroxine treatment has been reported to accelerate the development of drug permeability characteristics to the point of maturity in the neonatal rat lung (19).Thyroid hormone action is generally thought to be initiated by the binding of T3 to a class of nonhistone nucleoprotein in target organs, followed by the activation of specific genes (2, 27). The presence of such receptors has recently been described in lungs of both fetal and adult rodents (23,26), suggesting that thyroid --hormones might act directly on the lung.In order to establish an eventual correlation between thyroid hormones and lung maturation, one would need to know more about the characteristics of nuclear receptors throughout development. In this study, we measured the changes in binding characteristics of T3 to its nuclear receptor in lungs of rats from 2 days of age to adulthood. We also examined the effects of hypoand hyperthyroidism on the characteristics of Tg binding to this nuclear receptor. The results of these experiments are presented in this communication.
SpeculationThe level of nuclear T j receptor remains relatively high for the MATERIALS first month of life in the rat lung and the saturation of the binding High specific activity [125~]-Ts (900_1300 CLCi/llg) Was purchased sites increases during...