We report measurements of the ab-plane penetration depth, λ(T ), in YBa2Cu3O 7−δ films at various δ. At optimal doping, critical fluctuation effects are absent, and 1/λ 2 (T ) from 4 K to 0.99 TC is that of a clean, strong-coupling d-wave superconductor with ∆0(0)/kBTC ≃ 3.3. As in crystals, underdoping reduces the superfluid density, ns(0) ∝ 1/λ 2 (0), without affecting the low-T slope of 1/λ 2 (T ). These results, as well as electronic heat capacity data, are well described by an ad hoc model in which contributions to the superfluid and entropy are lost from regions of the Fermi surface occupied by the pseudogap.PACS Nos. 74.25.Fy, 74.25.Nf, 74.40.+k, 74.76.Bz A large body of experimental evidence indicates the opening of a k-dependent gap, or pseudogap, at a temperature, T * , above the superconducting transition temperature, T C , in underdoped cuprates [1]. The pseudogap competes with the superconducting gap: T * and the fraction of the Fermi surface (FS) occupied by the pseudogap increase with underdoping, while T C , the superfluid density in the ab-plane, n S (0), and the peak value of the electronic specific heat coefficient, γ(T ), at T C decrease. A great deal of effort currently focuses on understanding the coexistence of these two gaps. Lee and coworkers propose that the fundamental physics lies in spin-charge separation, a key element being the segmentation of the FS into regions either occupied or unoccupied by the pseudogap in the normal state [2]. With this in mind, we construct a simple model to describe our measurements of n S (T ) and literature results for γ(T ), in which only portions of the FS unoccupied by the pseudogap contribute to the superfluid and entropy in the superconducting state.We present new measurements of 1/λ 2 (T ) ∝ n S (T ) in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ (YBCO) films at various δ. We show that 1/λ 2 (T ) in optimally-doped films is that of a clean, strong-coupling d-wave superconductor with a full FS. Underdoped films are well described by a Fermi liquidlike model, in which electronic properties are expressed as integrals over the FS, but the integrals extend only over sections of the FS not occupied by the pseudogap in the normal state. The fraction of the FS that survives is equal to the ratio of n S (0) of the underdoped film to n S,opt. (0) of the same film at optimal doping.The absence of critical fluctuations in optimally-doped YBCO films [3] and measurements of the effect of thermal phase fluctuations on 2D films of a conventional superconductor [4] lead us to conclude that fluctuation effects are weak in the underdoped films. However, the relative importance of thermal phase fluctuations (TPF's) to single particle excitations is controversial. Carlson et al. [5] have shown numerically that a fluctuation driven superfluid density in Josephson junction (JJ) arrays displays features similar to some very clean YBCO crystals, namely, T -linear behavior at low-T [6], T C roughly proportional to n S (0), and a wide critical region [7,8]. Terahertz measurements of the sheet condu...