Abstract-This paper presents two compact ring slot antennas which are suitable for the PCS-1900 and the 2.4/5-GHz triple-band operations. The first antenna consists of three annular ring slots. The outer ring is responsible for exciting the first resonant mode whereas the middle ring excites the second resonant mode. The inner most rings, through their Y-shaped slots, create a wide upper operating band by combining the third and fourth resonant modes. To improve this antenna, we have employed circular Photonic Bandgap (PBG) structures in order to obtain a smaller slot antenna with better radiation characteristics. In this design, the cross-polarization level in the E-plane has reduced compared to the first antenna by 5.5 dB, 0.3 dB and 4 dB in the three resonant bands. Also, the crosspolarization in H-plane has reduced by an amount of 3 dB. In addition, the obtained results show that the co-polarization patterns are very similar in all three frequency bands. In both cases we have reduced the size of antennas to 56% and 42% respectively, of conventional microstrip slot antennas. The simulation results are verified by measurements.