Detailed in the present investigation are results pertaining to the photoelectron spectroscopy of negatively charged atomic ions and their isoelectronic molecular counterparts. Experiments utilizing the photoelectron imaging technique are performed on the negative ions of the group 10 noble metal block (i.e. Ni − , Pd − , and Pt − ) of the periodic table at a photon energy of 2.33 eV (532 nm). The accessible electronic transitions, term energies, and orbital angular momentum components of the bound electronic states in the atom are then compared with photoelectron images collected for isoelectronic early transition metal heterogeneous diatomic molecules, M-X − (M ¼ Ti; Zr; W; X ¼ O or C). A superposition principle connecting the spectroscopy between the atomic and molecular species is observed, wherein the electronic structure of the diatomic is observed to mimic that present in the isoelectronic atom. The molecular ions studied in this work, TiO − , ZrO − , and WC − can then be interpreted as possessing superatomic electronic structures reminiscent of the isoelectronic elements appearing on the periodic table, thereby quantifying the superatom concept.cluster anions | photoelectron imaging | superatoms | angular distributions | transition metal A lchemy, the medieval practice that endeavored to transform mundane elements into the rarer, exotic variety has found many analogies in the modern physical sciences ranging from gas-phase clusters (1) to surface science (2). Particularly intriguing was a report (2) demonstrating that a tungsten carbide surface displayed similar chemical reactivity as the noble metal platinum, an element well established in its propensity for catalytically initiating a vast array of chemical transformations. By contrast, elemental tungsten alone did not exhibit comparable reactivity patterns. In order to provide insight to these findings, we have undertaken a comparative spectroscopic investigation between anionic group 10 elements ðNi − ; Pd − ; Pt − Þ and their complementary isoelectronic early transition metal molecular counterparts M-X − (M ¼ Ti; Zr; W and X ¼ O or C). We observe photoelectron signatures and angular distributions in the acquired images that exhibit very similar aspects between the respective atom and molecule. This observation suggests a correlation between the spectroscopy of an element and the isoelectronic molecular species. As a representative example, consider the formation of the diatomic molecule TiO from the united atom perceptive of molecular orbital theory (3). If only the 6 valence electrons of O ( ½He 2s 2 2p 4 ) are to be considered, subsequent combination with the 4 valence electrons of Ti ( ½Ar 3d 2 4s 2 ) creates a molecular entity with an isoelectronic configuration commensurate with the 10 valence electrons of elemental Ni ( ½Ar 3d 8 4s 2 ). In other words, the early transition metal Ti is positioned on the periodic table 6 elements removed from Ni and the intervening periodic span is traversed by the valency of atomic O. The diatomic molecule, TiO,...