Let Λ = (Λ1, · · · , Λ d ) with Λν ⊂ Z n + , and set PΛ the family of all vector polynomials,Given PΛ ∈ PΛ, we consider a class of multi-parameter oscillatory singular integrals,When n = 1, the integral I(PΛ, ξ, r) for any PΛ ∈ PΛ is bounded uniformly in ξ and r.However, when n ≥ 2, the uniform boundedness depends on each indivisual polynomial PΛ. In this paper, we fix Λ and find a necessary and sufficient condition on Λ such that for all PΛ ∈ PΛ, supThe condition is described by faces and their cones of polyhedrons associated with Λν 's.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 42B20, 42B25.