interior of living cells is a molecular-crowding environment,
where large quantities of various molecules coexist. Investigations
into the nature of this environment are essential for an understanding
of both the elaborate biological reactions and the maintenance of
homeostasis occurring therein. The equilibrium states of biological
macromolecular systems are affected by molecular-crowding environments
unmatched by in vitro diluted environments; knowledge about crowding
effects is still insufficient due to lack of relevant experimental
studies. Recent developments in the techniques of in-cell NMR and
large-scale molecular dynamics simulation have provided new insights
into the structure and dynamics of biological molecules inside the
cells. This study focused on a new experimental technique to directly
observe the structure of a specific protein or membrane in condensed
crowder solutions using neutron scattering. Deuterated whole-cell
debris was used to reproduce an environment that more closely mimics
the interior of living cells than models used previously. By the reduction
of the background scattering from large amounts of cell debris, we
successfully extracted structure information for both small globular
protein and small unilamellar vesicle (SUV) from the concentrated
cell-debris solution up to a weight ratio of 1:60 for protein/crowder
and 1:40 for SUV/crowder.