Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and more than 1 million breast cancer cases are diagnosed each year all over the world. Breast cancer is a complex and heterogeneous disease in terms of its molecular structure, mutation type, metastase properties, clinical course and therapeutic response. Breast cancer is divided into subtypes based on expression properties of molecular markers as estrogen receptor, progestron receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. Triple-negative breast cancer is characterized by the lack of tumors that estrogen receptor, progestron receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 gene expression. These type of tumors lead to agressive clinical course due to unresponsiveness to systemic endocrine therapy and poor prognosis. Triple negative breast cancer constitutes 10-20% of all breast cancers. It affects generally young and African-American women. Triple negative breast cancer have several subtypes based on the gene expression properties. The majority of them are basal-like breast cancers. In this review, current literature is revised and summarized with respect to the molecular basis of triple negative breast cancer. Key words: Triple negative breast cancer, Estrogen, Progesteron, Basal-like breast cancer, ÖZET Meme kanseri kadınlarda en çok görülen kanser türüdür ve her yıl tüm dünyada 1 milyondan fazla meme kanseri tanısı konmaktadır. Moleküler yapı, mutasyon tipi, metastaz özelliği, klinik gidiş ve tedaviye cevap açısından karışık ve heterojen bir hastalıktır. Meme kanseri estrogen receptor, progestron reseptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 proteinlerine ait moleküler belirteçlerinin ekspresyon özelliğine göre alt tiplere ayrılmaktadır. Triple negatif meme kanseri tümörün estrogen receptor, progesteron reseptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2