Lowering the activation energy of ac hemical reaction is an essential part in controlling chemical reactions. By attachingasingle electron, ab arrierless path for the cistrans isomerization of maleonitrile on the anionic surface is formed. The anionic activation can be applied in both reaction directions,y ielding the desired isomer.W ei dentify the microscopic mechanism that leads to the formation of the barrierless route for the electron-induced isomerization. The generalization to other chemical reactions is discussed.
Theabilitytosurpasstheenergeticbarrierbetweenreactantsand products is at the very heart of controlling chemical reactions.V arious control strategies have been developed over the years that rely,f or example,o nt he use of light, mechanical force,o re lectric current. Regardless of the chosen external stimulation, the common strategy is either to move the reaction to ad ifferent potential energy surface, for example,p hotochemistry, [1] or to modify the potential energy surface of the reactants,f or example,m echanochemistry.[2] Ideally,t he target potential energy surface does not only energetically enable the reaction but provides ac lear directionality as well.Thei dea of activating ac hemical reaction by attaching as ingle electron has been around since the early days of electrochemistry.S till, the prominent role of the electron in many reactions has been restricted to inducing adissociative electron attachment (DEA) mechanism. Them ain use of DEA in promoting chemical reactions is through the creation of radicals that continue to react further.[3] Only in the past decade,e xperiments demonstrating more complicated reactions following electron capture have emerged, for example, multiple bond-breaking, [4] tautomerization, [5] and complex fragmentations.[6] Theu nderlying microscopic mechanism that leads to the electron-driven chemistry in the above examples is still unknown. There have also been af ew theoretical works predicting multiple bond-breaking rearrangements following electron attachment. [7] Herein we demonstrate how the attachment of as ingle electron can lead to ab arrierless cis-trans isomerization of maleonitrile (cis-1,2-dicyanoethylene,MN) and fumaronitrile (trans-1,2-dicyanoethylene,FN). Theexcess electron transfers the reactants to the anionic potential energy surface (PES) on which there is no longer an energetic barrier towards isomerization. By analyzing the microscopic mechanism responsible for this appealing topology,wegain new insights into the yet unexplored possibilities of electron-driven chemistry.The cis-trans isomerization reaction is one of the most studied reactions with regard to chemical control and chemical switching,f or example by light [8] or mechanical force.[9] Very recently it has been shown that the cis-trans isomerization rate can be tuned by the presence of an earby anion. [10] Thei somerization of FN to MN was previously studied using photoinduced electron transfer. [11] In these experiments the FN À anion is formed in its ground state ...