We a'esent calcu1ations of triple-differential cross sections (TDCS) for electrons scattering on the ground state of atomic hydrogen at incident energies of 54.4 and l50 eV. The convergent close-coupling method is used. For this target the method is fully ab initio. The total wave function is expanded in an ever increasing [7].The method has also been generalized to incorporate hydrogenlike targets, atoms, or ions [8]. This provided for a more sensitive application of the method due to the availability of spin-resolved measurements [9] at a wide range of energies in e-Na scattering. The CCC theory [8] is the only e-mail:igor(@esm. ph. flinders. edu. au one that is able to obtain almost complete quantitative agreement with these measurements. In these calculations the effects of exchange and continuum were found to be very large, and were handled very accurately by the CCC formalism. More recently, the CCC method has been applied to e-He scattering at 30 eV [10], where it is the only one that is able to achieve quantitative agreement with the n = 1,2,3 differential cross sections.In our view the CCC method is the most generally successful reliable method for the description of electron scattering on helium and hydrogenlike targets at all projectile energies, and for any transition of interest. For the singleelectron targets (H, He+, . . . ), where the target wave functions are known exactly, the nonrelativistic electron scattering problem may be solved numerically to a required accuracy without approximation.In this work we expand the application of the method to the calculation of (e,2e) differential cross sections. The extension is very straightforward and in principle leads to an ab initio method for the calculation of (e,2e) processes for hydrogenlike targets whose validity is independent of projectile energy. Here we restrict ourselves to atomic hydrogen as the target.Close-coupling methods have already been applied to the calculation of (e,2e) reactions by Curran and Walters [11] and Curran, Whelan, and Walters [12].They used a small set of square-integrable pseudostates, which were chosen to give a good description of scattering to low-lying discrete states [13].The usage of an orthogonal Laguerre basis allows us to test the convergence by simply increasing the basis size, without encountering any linear dependence problems associated with nonorthogonal bases.The (e,2e) problem for atomic hydrogen has attracted a great deal of attention. Brauner, Briggs, and Klar [14] used an approximate final-state wave function, which has the correct Coulomb three-body boundary conditions. This yielded generally good agreement with experiment at high energies, but had considerable difficulties in describing both shape and magnitude at the lower energies. Jones et al. [15] have followed a similar approach by including short-range effects in the incident wave function and using a different electronelectron correlation factor for the outgoing electrons, awhile