The high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) is a uranium-fueled, graphite-moderated, gas-cooled nuclear reactor design concept capable of producing very high core outlet temperatures. Both types of HTGR have the tristructural isotropic (TRISO) fuel kernel at the heart of the fuel design. For the prismatic block-type HTGR, the TRISO particles are overcoated with a resinated graphitic matrix and pressed into fuel compacts, which are then heat treated and placed in the fuel channels of the prismatic-block-shaped fuel assemblies. For the pebble-bed-type HTGR, the TRISO particles are dispersed in a graphitic-matrix sphere, which is the basic unit for the reactor core. Despite having very different fuel designs, both types of HTGR are graphite-moderated, gas-cooled, thermal reactors using many of the same materials. As a result, both prismatic-block-type and pebble-bed-type HTGRs have similar radioactive waste streams, all of which require safe and secure storage and eventual disposition. Modern HTGR designs are based on a long and rich operating history of several different graphite-moderated, gas-cooled, thermal reactors. Several of these reactors have been shut down, the fuel has been placed in safe storage, and they have undergone some degree of decommissioning. As such, there is significant experience in the management of the spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and radioactive wastes associated with operating these reactors. This white paper will, (1) identify the definitions and regulations that apply to the safe and secure management, storage, and disposal of radioactive waste; and (2) identify the key radioactive waste streams from HTGRs and their characteristics. Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has significant experience in the management of SNF from HTGR predecessors. This experience should form the basis for the management and disposition efforts of the radioactive waste from any new HTGR-type small modular reactor, or microreactor intended for deployment at the INL site.