A short introduction is given to the use of the photographic detection of radionuclides in chromatography by means of scintillators admixed to the chromatograms. Our own and others' results are discussed. On the basis of a theoretical treatment of the photoemulsion response at very low exposure intensities, many of the observations can be given a satisfactory explanation and some possible experimental improvements can be suggested. An explanation has been provided for an observed low-temperature enhancement of the photoemulsion sensitivity which may become of great importance for the detection of tritium and radiocarbon.Various photographic materials are being employed as important analytical tools in the autoradiography of chromatograms of chemical systems containing radiotracers. In autoradiography, the electrons emitted are directly detected by the resulting exposure of the film materials. The commonly used radiolabels are /3-emitters, like for example 3H, 14C, 35S, and 32P, which may all be detected by autoradiography. However, for tritium, and to some extent also for radiocarbon, there are severe difficulties, and long exposure times are required because of the low efficiency with which the electrons produce film blackening. The small electron energies give very short particle ranges. For tritium only about 1% of the electrons pass through an absorber thickness of 0.3 mg/cm1 2 34567.This means that the practical range in sample and film-material is of the order of 2-3 µ . The mechanisms of absorption and scattering are rather complicated (1, 2) Because of the short /3-range for tritium, only a few per cent of the electrons will actually leave the radiochromatogram (3), and for conventional photographic materials, the average distance between the silver halide grains is larger than the electron range (4).To obtain the best possible coupling between the chromatogram and the photographic emulsion, it has been proposed that the former be impregnated by an X-ray type of the latter. By this method a low-level limit of detection of 33 nCi day/cm2 was achieved (5). However, this method spoils the chromatogram, and this is very inconvenient as a recovery of the chromatographed components is often required.To overcome the above mentioned difficulties, Wilson in 1958 suggested another method (6, 7)-namely, to cover the chromatogram and film, placed in close contact, with a liquid scintillator solution in a light-tight tank. The primary electron energy is then transformed into electronic excita-