Nitrate concentrations approaching and greater than the maximum contaminant level (MCL) are impairing the viability of many groundwater basins as drinking water sources.Nitrate isotope data are effective in determining contaminant sources, especially when combined with other isotopic tracers such as stable isotopes of water and tritium-helium ages to give insight into the routes and timing of nitrate inputs to the flow system. This combination of techniques is demonstrated in Livermore, CA, where it is determined that low nitrate reclaimed wastewater predominates in the northwest, while two flowpaths with distinct nitrate sources originate in the southeast. Along the eastern flowpath, δ This dual isotope technique is sometimes limited by the overlap of source isotope values 3 and by the variety of potential processes that affect nitrate (Aravena et al., 1993;Mengis et al., 2001). Successful studies of nitrate behavior and distribution must take into account the many environmental and historical factors that affect nitrate fate and transport (Böhlke and Denver, 1995).Our purpose is to improve upon traditional nitrate investigation methods that often yield ambiguous interpretations. We apply an integrated analytical approach using multiple lines of evidence to resolve the manifold origins and pathways of nitratecontamination. This approach is demonstrated in Livermore, CA, a city that relies on groundwater for a significant portion of its drinking water, but where MCL exceedances have occurred at 6 of the 13 public supply wells in the contaminated portion of the basin.As in many regions where this approach may be beneficially applied, Livermore has a decades long history of varied nitrate inputs in a complex groundwater system.Previous studies of Livermore's nitrate problem have estimated nitrate loading from various sources using literature ranges of potential nitrate inputs from these sources (Steinbergs and Wong, 1980;Raines, Melton, and Carella, Inc., 2002 Both layers are water bearing with higher yields observed in the alluvial deposits (State of California, 1967; Sorenson et al., 1984;Moran et al., 2002). Vertical transport (Burow, et al., 1998), while another demonstrated that, even with closely controlled drip irrigation, 67% to 79% of fertilizer nitrogen applied to vineyards in the spring remained in the soil at harvest time, available for leaching with winter rains (Hajrasuliha, 1998).Another possible nitrate source in the valley is that formed from the oxidation of organic nitrogen, naturally found in soil as a result of plant decomposition and microbial activity (Kendall and Aravena, 2000
Sample CollectionThe thirty-three well sampling locations from 2003 are shown in Figure 2 and described in Table 1 Denitrification produces signatures both in the nitrate isotopes and dissolved gas ratios. As denitrification occurs, nitrogen and oxygen isotopes in nitrate from freshwater are typically enriched in a characteristic pattern with a ratio close to 2:1 (Kendall and Aravena, 2000). Saturated zon...