Summary. Nonsulfur purple photosynthetic bacteria, Rhodopseudomonas spheroides cells grown aerobically in the dark were incubated with medium containing tritiated water (THO) under growth and no-growth conditions. R value defined as the ratio of specific activity (T/H) of tritium (T) incorporated into cell materials to T in medium was about 0.5 in growing cells and 0.2 in nongrowing cells regardless of THO-concentration in medium. From the fractionation of these lyophilized cells by modified Schneider method, the distribution of volatile T (i.e., exchangeable T) in cold perchloric acid (PCA)-soluble fraction, nonexchangeable T of small molecules in cold PCA-and ether-ethanol-soluble fractions and nonexchangeable T of macromolecules in hot PCA-and alkali-soluble fractions was 16 : 17 : 67 in growing cells and 38 : 24 : 38 in nongrowing cells. Moreover, the nucleic acids were extracted by phenol method from the cells incubated with THO and fractionated on methylated albumin-coated column chromatography. R value of nonexchangeable H in DNA, sRNA, and rRNA was 0.4-0.6 in growing cells and 0.06-0.13 in nongrowing cells. R value of nonexchangeable H in ribo-and deoxyribo-mononucleotides hydrolyzed by treatment with either KOH or DNase and phosphodiesterase was 0.38-0.84 in growing cells. Average R value of nonexchangeable H in nucleic acids and these mononucleotides in growing cells were similar to that of total H in the lyophilized cells. From the study of retention of T in the cells, radioactivity of T of long-lived component decreased at the biological half life of 69 h in nongrowing cells and at rate of 0.4 n (n: number of cell division) in growing cells. The retention of bound T in nucleic acids of nongrowing cells was considerable, i.e., 100, 78, and 86% remaining after 16 h in DNA, sRNA, and rRNA, respectively, for 76% in the overall cells. Decrease of activity of nonexchangeable T bound to DNA in nongrowing cells was expected only the cell death.