Triton, the largest moon of Neptune (radius R T = 1,353 km), is located deep within the ice giant's magnetosphere at a distance of 14.4 Neptune radii (R N = 24,622 km), moving along a highly inclined and retrograde orbit around its parent planet. Similar to many large moons of Jupiter and Saturn, Triton is continuously exposed to a flow of sub-Alfvénic magnetospheric plasma that impinges at a relative velocity of about 40 km/s (Strobel et al., 1990). This magnetized flow sweeps particles out of Triton's ionosphere (Broadfoot et al., 1989;Majeed et al., 1990), generating ramside field pile-up and Alfvén wings in the process (Liuzzo et al., 2021;Strobel et al., 1990). Due to the combination of high ionospheric electron densities in excess of 10 4 cm −3 and a weak magnetospheric field along Triton's orbit (3-12 nT, see Connerney et al., 1991), the Pedersen conductance of the moon's ionosphere (Σ P ≈ 10 4 S) exceeds the Alfvén conductance of the ambient flow (Σ A ≈ 6 S) by four orders of magnitude (Strobel et al., 1990). Therefore, the interaction between Triton and Neptune's magnetospheric plasma is "saturated," that is, the streamlines of the impinging plasma are (almost) completely deflected around the Alfvén wing tubes