“…which correspond to completely independent degrees of freedom, as showed in the Section II, the velocity of the auxiliary fields. This redefinition allows us rewrite the higher-derivative sector introduced by the Faddeev-Popov quantization procedure like a vectorial fields required by the BRST quartet construction, like in [47], but in this case, they come from the ordinary Faddeev-Popov ghost associated to the Abelian LW correspondent BRST symmetry and does not spoil the nature of the Faddeev-Popov ghost term, which is rewritten in terms of massless vectorial fields which propagate because the well-defined kinetic part in (51), but not interact, i.e., their behaviour is exactly equal to Faddeev-Popov ghost in photon sector. The associated Faddeev-Popov operator carries vectorial indices, which is related to the fact that the vectorial Nakanishi-Lautrup field encoding the gauge fixing condition does not cancel the longitudinal mode of the massive gauge potential, as showed in the Section III.…”