The adipose-derived hormone leptin signals in the medial nucleus tractus solitarius (mNTS) to suppress food intake, in part, by amplifying within-meal gastrointestinal (GI) satiation signals. Here we show that mNTS leptin receptor (LepRb) signaling also reduces appetitive and motivational aspects of feeding, and that these effects can depend on energy status. Using the lowest dose that significantly suppressed 3-h cumulative food intake, unilateral leptin (0.3 mg) administration to the mNTS (3 h before testing) reduced operant lever pressing for sucrose under increasing work demands (progressive ratio reinforcement schedule) regardless of whether animals were energy deplete (food restricted) or replete (ad libitum fed). However, in a separate test of food-motivated responding in which there was no opportunity to consume food (conditioned place preference (CPP) for an environment previously associated with a palatable food reward), mNTS leptin administration suppressed food-seeking behavior only in chronically food-restricted rats. On the other hand, mNTS LepRb signaling did not reduce CPP expression for morphine reinforcement regardless of energy status, suggesting that mNTS leptin signaling differentially influences motivated responding for food vs opioid reward. Overall results show that mNTS LepRb signaling reduces food intake and appetitive food-motivated responding independent of energy status in situations involving orosensory and postingestive contact with food, whereas food-seeking behavior independent of food consumption is only reduced by mNTS LepRb activation in a state of energy deficit. These findings reveal a novel appetitive role for LepRb signaling in the mNTS, a brain region traditionally linked with processing of meal-related GI satiation signals. Keywords: satiation; reward; conditioned place preference; obesity; hindbrain; NTS
INTRODUCTIONLeptin, secreted primarily from white adipose cells, acts on receptors (leptin receptor, LepRb) in the brain to reduce body weight by suppressing food intake and increasing energy expenditure. Historically, attention has been directed toward leptin's action in the hypothalamus, particularly the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus (ARC). More recent findings reveal that leptin's powerful control over energy balance is anatomically distributed (Grill, 2010;Grill and Kaplan, 1990;Grill and Kaplan, 2002a) as it involves contributions from midbrain and forebrain regions such as the ventral tegmental area (Fulton et al, 2006;Hommel et al, 2006) and the hippocampus (Kanoski et al, 2011) that are associated with the control of motivational, learned, and rewarding aspects of food intake, as well as in extra-ARC hypothalamic nuclei (Leinninger et al, 2009;Zhang et al, 2011) and hindbrain nuclei (Grill et al, 2002b;Huo et al, 2007;Schwartz and Moran, 2002;Skibicka and Grill, 2009) whose neural processing is typically associated with the control of need-based food intake (ie, feeding driven by energy deficit). Within the hindbrain, the LepRb is most densely expressed in the me...