A common retrofitting method for wind farms is the replacement of low-power turbines with high-power ones. The determination of the optimal replacement sequence for the purpose of maximizing revenue is a significant challenge. This paper employs a combination of FLORIS and a sequencing algorithm to simulate the power output resulting from the replacement of 1.5 MW small turbines with 5 MW large turbines. This study demonstrates that the optimal strategy for maximizing the overall power output is to replace the turbines in the first column. When the turbines situated in the first column have already undergone replacement or are unable to be replaced due to the characteristics of the terrain, it would be prudent to prioritize those in the final column. In the case of staggered arrangements, priority should be given to diagonal points that do not have turbines situated behind them. In the case of replacing the same number of large wind turbines, the preferred replacement option has a minimal impact on the power output of the existing small wind turbines, with an estimated reduction of 0.67%. This effectively enhances the economic efficiency of wind farm renovation.