“…These observations come as no surprise, when considering that the existing data indicate that the sooner thrombolysis is applied, the more effective it becomes. Lastly, it also must be stressed that we still spend a lot of time and energy debating where ICT should be carried out and by whom, and in contrast, as we have recently described, 20 we dedicate very little attention to citizen and healthcare professional awareness-enhancing campaigns designed to get the message across that stroke is an emergency---characterized by signs and symptoms that must be quickly recognized, with immediate patient transfer to a hospital offering a well trained medical team, 21 since in these situations ''time is brain''. 17 As underscored by Latour et al, 16 the ischemic stroke plans and guides used in some Spanish Autonomous Communities, lacking the support of the best available evidence, recommend patient transfer to hospitals with stroke units for performing ICT.…”