We investigated the effects of O 2 on Bifidobacterium species using liquid shaking cultures under various O 2 concentrations. Although most of the Bifidobacterium species we selected showed O 2 sensitivity, two species, B. boum and B. thermophilum, demonstrated microaerophilic profiles. The growth of B. bifidum and B. longum was inhibited under high-O 2 conditions accompanied by the accumulation of H 2 O 2 in the medium, and growth was restored by adding catalase to the medium. B. boum and B. thermophilum grew well even under 20% O 2 conditions without H 2 O 2 accumulation, and growth was stimulated compared to anoxic growth. H 2 O-forming NADH oxidase activities were detected dominantly in cell extracts of B. boum and B. thermophilum under acidic reaction conditions (pH 5.0 to 6.0).Although anaerobes are defined as being unable to grow in the presence of O 2 , their degree of O 2 sensitivity exhibits wide variation (2,3,10,11,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,25,28). The genus Bifidobacterium is a well-investigated anaerobe known to be beneficial to human health. Its sensitivity to O 2 causes a loss of viability during manufacture and storage as well as after incorporation into the human body (36). The O 2 sensitivity differs among strains and species (13). de Vries and Stouthamer (7) classified Bifidobacterium species into three categories according to their sensitivities to O 2 . They proposed that some O 2 -sensitive species produce H 2 O 2 through NADH oxidase activity. Since then, there have been several approaches taken to investigate bifidobacterial oxidative growth inhibition (1,6,9,32,33,37); however, the mechanism of growth inhibition under oxic conditions remains unclear.In this study, microaerophilic Bifidobacterium species were found. The main objectives of the present study were to (i) determine growth characteristics with respect to O 2 using several Bifidobacterium species, (ii) determine the factor responsible for aerobic growth inhibition using O 2 -sensitive species, (iii) investigate the metabolic properties of O 2 -sensitive and microaerophilic Bifidobacterium species under oxic growth conditions, and (iv) investigate the properties of O 2 reduction systems that should differ between O 2 -sensitive and microaerophilic Bifidobacterium species.Effect of O 2 on the growth of Bifidobacterium species. Bifidobacterium species are classified as typical anaerobic bacteria; however, their differing degrees of O 2 sensitivity in liquid shaking culture are not well characterized. We selected several species by referring to reports concerning the physiological effects of O 2 . B. bifidum, B. longum, B. breve, and B. infantis were selected from among strains often used in milk products and intestinal probiotics. B. asteroides is reported to possess catalase (13, 30). B. indicum has characteristics similar to those of B. asteroides but shows catalase activity only when hemin is added to the medium (13, 30). B. boum, B. globosum, and B. thermophilum are reported to form colonies under atmospheric conditions of 90% air...