Biodynamic modelling has been used to predict bioaccumulated concentrations of Ag, Cd and Zn in the deposit-feeding polychaete Nereis diversicolor from 5 metal-contaminated estuaries in SW England and a relatively non-contaminated estuary in SE England. The modelling employed previously measured physiological parameters of bioaccumulation -uptake rate constant, assimilation efficiency (AE) and efflux rate constants after uptake from water and sediment ingestion -and measured sediment metal concentrations specific for each population. AEs were considered to relate to metals in the organic component of the ingested sediment and ingestion rates were therefore expressed in these terms, with the further assumption that the total sediment metal concentration is a proxy for the metal concentration in the sediment organic component. A range of growth rate constants was extracted from the literature, as were concentration ranges of dissolved Ag, Cd and Zn in contaminated coastal waters. The model showed that > 99% Cd and > 98% Zn accumulated by N. diversicolor is derived from sediment ingestion; more bioaccumulated Ag is derived from solution, the percentage contribution of the dissolved source increasing from 46 to 80% with an increase in Ag dissolved concentration from low to high values for coastal waters. Bioaccumulated metal concentrations predicted from the model generally showed excellent agreement with independently measured concentrations in field-collected worms, supporting the assumptions made in the model.
KEY WORDS: Bioavailability · Biodynamic modelling · Sediments · Uptake · Efflux
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherMar Ecol Prog Ser 390: [145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155] 2009 chaetes (Selck et al. 1998, Wang et al. 1998, Casado-Martinez et al. 2009a, sipunculids , bivalve molluscs (Lee et al. 1998, Griscom et al. 2000, 2002 and crustaceans . When applied to deposit feeders, these models show the importance of ingested sediments as (often) the predominant source of metals with potentially direct toxic effects to the ingestor but also potentially indirect toxic effects to predators higher up the local food chain (Rainbow et al. 2004(Rainbow et al. , 2006.Most applications of biodynamic studies to date have considered relatively broad applications, assuming that physiological parameters are species-specific and relatively constant. Fewer studies have addressed population differences and their implications for bioaccumulation, partly because such specific studies probably require determination of population-specific physiological parameters (e.g. Rainbow et al. 2009).Here we apply biodynamic modelling to compare bioaccumulation and the relative importance of water and sediment as sources of the trace metals Ag, Cd and Zn among 6 populations of the widespread infaunal estuarine polychaete Nereis diversicolor. N. diversiciolor can feed using a variety of mechanisms (Harley 1950), but not least as a deposit feeder ingesting local surfa...