The Tropical cyclones usually refer to low-pressure eddies that rotate rapidly in the tropics. It seriously threatens the life and property safety,Therefore, the prediction of both the accurate location of the tropical cyclone center and the tropical cyclone path is the key to preventing tropical cyclone disasters. In this paper, a fast method for calculating the center of tropical cyclone using infrared satellite image or visible satellite image is proposed. A two-dimensional Gaussian normal distribution model is used to simulate the gray characteristics of tropical cyclone images. The gray distribution of tropical cyclone satellite image approximates to a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution. In multiple directions, the pixel gray values of tropical cyclone are accumulated, and a set of one-dimensional Gaussian normal distribution functions are used to fit these accumulated values. The peak positions of these one-dimensional Gaussian functions are calculated by derivation. Then, a linear function is fitted according to the relationship between the peak position of the group of Gaussian functions and the selected angle. The coefficient of the fitting linear function is exactly the central coordinate of the tropical cyclone. The proposed method for locating the center of tropical cyclone is tested using visible and infrared satellite images. The results are compared with the best trajectory provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency.