Let A = (a 1 , . . . , a n ) be a vector of integers which sum to k(2g − 2 + n). The double ramification cycle DR g,A ∈ CH g (M g,n ) on the moduli space of curves is the virtual class of an Abel-Jacobi locus of pointed curves (C, x 1 , . . . , x n ) satisfyingThe Abel-Jacobi construction requires log blow-ups of M g,n to resolve the indeterminacies of the Abel-Jacobi map. Holmes [29] has shown that DR g,A admits a canonical lift logDR g,A ∈ logCH g (M g,n ) to the logarithmic Chow ring, which is the limit of the intersection theories of all such blow-ups.The main result of the paper is an explicit formula for logDR g,A which lifts Pixton's formula for DR g,A . The central idea is to study the universal Jacobian over the moduli space of curves (following Caporaso [12], Kass-Pagani [37], and Abreu-Pacini [3]) for certain stability conditions. Using the criterion of Holmes-Schwarz [34], the universal double ramification theory of Bae-Holmes-Pandharipande-Schmitt-Schwarz [5] applied to the universal line bundle determines the logarithmic double ramification cycle. The resulting formula, written in the language of piecewise polynomials, depends upon the stability condition (and admits a wall-crossing study). Several examples are computed.