[1] Vertical distribution of atmospheric CO 2 mixing ratios, as well as CO 2 vertical variance and gradient are related to the vertical stability at the time of measurement, to the transport of coherent upstream plumes studied through changes in the upstream surface influence or to the historic mixing processes and dispersive behavior. Three vertical profiles of CO 2 mixing ratios measured from 900 to 4200 m above sea level (masl) in 2006 at La Muela, Spain (LMU, 41.60°N 1.10°W, 570 masl) are examined. Changes in CO 2 mixing ratio are associated with changes of the atmospheric physical parameters on the day of the survey; and with the transport of coherent air masses. Its consistency is examined through changes of the historical horizontal dispersion and chaotic mixing dynamics of air masses during the four days prior to measurements. A climatology of Lagrangian backward simulations run once a week at four altitudes (600, 1200, 2500 and 4000 masl) at LMU for 2006 shows that dispersion in these altitudes is superdiffusive (exponent coefficient g > 1/2) and mixing follows a chaotic dynamics (power law exponent l > 0) at all altitudes and in all seasons. Furthermore, a Horizontal Mixing Discontinuity (HMD) at ∼2500 masl separates two layers with different constraints on vertical mixing. Above the HMD, more coherent air masses and laminar transport characterizes the dynamics of atmospheric horizontal mixing whereas below it, filamentation and chaotic mixing dominate horizontal mixing. In the lower part of the vertical profile, within the ABL, mixing takes place by convection. Chaotic mixing below the HMD induces the boundary layer entrainment. Results highlight that there are two main discontinuities in the air column which separates different atmospheric dynamics. The ABL is driven by local meteorological conditions of the site at the sampling time; the HMD is driven by the synoptic-scale historical mixing conditions of air masses. The effect of horizontal transport in the free troposphere should be considered equally as important as the local vertical mixing processes in the atmospheric boundary layer when interpreting CO 2 vertical gradients. The dispersive exponents can be used to identify the transport of coherent plumes from anthropogenic emissions with different carbon composition that the one-single backtrajectories models do not detect.Citation: Font, A., J.-A. Morguí, and X. Rodó (2010), Physical atmospheric structure and tropospheric mixing information in vertical profiles of atmospheric CO 2 mixing ratios,