The influence of cloudiness over experimental UV erythemal radiation (UVER) has been studied. This influence has been analysed considering total cloudiness and low clouds. The measurements of cloudiness correspond to the daily values registered at 13 : 00 GMT at the Meteorological Centre of Valencia, which is part of the State Agency of Meteorology of Spain (AEMET). The UVER measurements were made using a YES UVB-1 radiometer located on the roof terrace of the Physics Faculty at the Burjassot Campus, Valencia (latitude 39.508°, longitude −0.418°, 60 m above sea level). First, a statistical analysis of cloudiness at 13 : 00 GMT in Valencia was carried out, confirming that the situation is mainly clear skies or very few clouds. Next, the influence of cloudiness on experimental UVER values was analysed, for both total cloudiness and low clouds. The experimental UVER values decrease as cloudiness increases for all solar zenith angles (SZA), and this reduction increases with the zenith angle. Next, the cloud modification factor (CMF) has been defined to reduce the influence of the zenith angle and ozone over the UVER. In order to quantify the relationship between CMF and the degree of cloudiness in oktas, linear, quadratic and potential regressions for both total cloudiness and low clouds have been calculated. Transmissivity due to total cloudiness and for overcast skies reaches 40%. On the other hand, the analysis of the influence over the zenith angle shows that CMF reduces as the zenith angle increases in the case of both total cloudiness and low clouds. With regard to the low cloud CMF, the results are comparable to those proposed by the COST-713 Action "UV-B Forecasting" for partially cloudy or cloudy skies (70% and 50%, respectively). Finally, the relationship between the CMF and the clearness index (k T ) has been analysed, as both parameters are simple indicators of cloudiness. It has been proved that such relationship is close to unity for zenith angles in the mid-range, while the CMF is greater than k T for lower SZA and is less than k T for high SZA, which indicates a certain dependence of these two parameters on the zenith angle.