HE TOHU MAHARA | DEDICATIONKo ēnei kōrero e whai ake nei he takohatanga ā-ngākau ki ngā tāngata taketake ake katoa puta noa i te ao, e mau pū ana ki te mana motuhake, waihoki ngā uri o te kohu o Te Urewera, koutou e noho taumaru ana ki raro i ōu pae maungako Huiarau, ko Panekire, ko Manawaru, ko Parekohe, ko Tahora, ko Hao-ki-taha, ko Pukenuiorahokaranga mai rā ki tēnei uri! Nā koutou, Te Kāinga o te Riri, arā, Te Rua Toki o Te Tai o Ruamano au i manaaki, i tiaki, i whakatuwheratia mai rā te kuaha o te tika, o te pono, o te māramatanga katoa, kīhai i mau i te pōuri. Me i kore au i a koutou. This chapter is dedicated to the multitudinous sovereign Indigenous peoples across the planet, and particularly to the illustrious Ngāi Tūhoe people of the Ruatoki Valley in Aotearoa New Zealand who so generously shared their time, energy, experiences, and perspectives of the world with me. My heartfelt salutations to you all.