Designing for care futures in older adulthood often begins and ends with techno-solutions for use in formal care systems, while older adults and their informal care networks are often excluded contributing their own visions for care and the future. In this workshop, we will explore how we can better design not only for but with care in older adulthood, applying the PDC 2022 'Senti-Pensar' (thinking-feeling) lens, to ask 'how can we enact and represent design practice that is difficult to describe but is heartfelt and passionate?' We aim to challenge current narratives of care in HCI, embracing the diversity of experiences of older adults, and facilitating discussion around a future of care that values interdependency, relationality, and thinking-feeling in design. By considering multiple perspectives on care in older adulthood, we will speculate on the role of technologies within future ecosystems of care, where care is the concerted and organising principle.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); HCI theory, concepts and models.