The present study reports on the performance of three reactor-produced radionuclides ( 24 Na, 56 Mn, and 72 Ga) and one accelerator-produced radionuclide ( 56 Co) for extending the full energy peak e ciency calibration of a coaxial HPGe detector up to ~3100 keV at different detector to source distance. The differences in the e ciency curves obtained with and without the use of high-energy gamma emitters radionuclides have a considerable impact on the accuracy of Na, Ca, and S determination by the k 0 -INAA as evidenced by analysis results of reference materials. The results revealed that the use of 24 Na is the most suitable radionuclide for high-energy e ciency calibration due to its reasonable availability, low production cost, simple decay scheme, and well-de ned decay properties.