Do initial trustworthiness beliefs only have a short-term, temporary effect on one’s behavior and perceptions? Or might these initial beliefs have a lasting, robust effect that persists over time and in subsequent interactions? Trust development theories do not provide a consistent answer. Some research predicts the initial trustworthiness belief will be fleeting, whereas other research suggests it will have a more lasting role. We reconcile these different predictions by drawing on accessibility theory, and by conducting a longitudinal field study and two experimental studies. Our research tests the impact of initial trustworthiness beliefs on behaviors and perceptions following an exchange in which the trustworthiness of a counterpart plays a critical role. The studies confirm that initial trustworthiness beliefs continue to affect perceivers’ behaviors and perceptions in a subsequent exchange, even after a trust violation. However, following a two-week delay between interactions, the relationship becomes more complex. Our findings contribute to the trust literature by demonstrating the mostly robust nature of initial trustworthiness beliefs and explaining why and how these beliefs motivate future perceptions and behaviors.