Due to the need for massive device connectivity, low communication latency, and various customizations in 6G architecture, a distributed cloud deployment approach will be more relevant to the space-air-ground-sea integrated network scenario. However, the openness and heterogeneity of the 6G network cause the problems of network security. To improve the trustworthiness of 6G networks, we propose a trusted computing-based approach for establishing trust relationships in multi-cloud scenarios. The proposed method shows the relationship of trust based on dual-level verification. It separates the trustworthy states of multiple complex cloud units in 6G architecture into the state within and between cloud units. Firstly, SM3 algorithm establishes the chain of trust for the system's trusted boot phase. Then, the remote attestation server (RAS) of distributed cloud units verifies the physical servers. Meanwhile, the physical servers use a ring approach to verify the cloud servers. Eventually, the centralized RAS takes one-time authentication to the critical evidence information of distributed cloud unit servers. Simultaneously, the centralized RAS also verifies the evidence of distributed RAS. We establish our proposed approach in a natural OpenStack-based cloud environment. The simulation results show that the proposed method achieves higher security with less than a 1% system performance loss.