Structural Equation Models (SEMs) represent a popular and powerful methodology for estimating causal effects in psychological research. However, the sample size required to estimate the parameters associated with an SEM quickly explodes with the complexity of the model. This means that any opportunities we have to simplify the model should be taken, but such that the validity of the remaining parameters is unaffected by this simplification. In order to achieve this, we can leverage the Markov conditional independency structures implicit in our models to only include paths which are critical for answering a particular research question. The resulting minimal SEM (minSEM) requires less data than the full model, thus saving time and resources which can otherwise be used to collect more data for the variables that are still contained within this minSEM. In this work, we review the relevant concepts and present a number of didactic examples with the hope that psychologists can use these techniques to reduce the complexity of their SEMs without invalidating the subsequent estimates.