We studied the effects of acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) on early cortical auditory processing. Middle-latency auditory evoked fields (MAEF) were investigated in 14 healthy subjects after 5 h of ATD or control mixture ingestion in a randomized, double-blinded, controlled crossover design study. MAEFs to monaural click stimuli (0.1-ms duration) were recorded with a 122-channel neuromagnetometer. Total plasma tryptophan (Trp),Low brain serotonin (5-HT) levels and function have been implicated in various psychopathologies including depression and anxiety. Acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) is a dietary intervention that rapidly lowers plasma tryptophan (Trp) and alters 5-HT synthesis, metabolism, and release in animals and humans (Young et al. 1985;Nishizawa et al. 1997;Stancampiano et al. 1997;Carpenter et al. 1998). It involves the administration of an amino acid mixture that lacks Trp, the amino acid precursor of serotonin. The effect of ATD on 5-HT synthesis and metabolism is twofold (Young et al. 1985). First, decline in plasma Trp occurs because the Trpdeficient amino acid mixture promotes synthesis of new proteins. Trp incorporated into protein comes from blood and tissue pools, and therefore its concentration in plasma and brain falls (Biggio et al. 1974;Gessa et al. Stancampiano et al. 1997). Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a method for the measurement of extracranial magnetic fields produced by ionic current flow generated mainly by cortical pyramidal cells. MEG is a non-invasive method for functional brain studies with temporal resolution as high as electroencephalography (EEG), but with more accurate source localization . Because of cortical folding in the Sylvian fissure, MEG is ideally suited for the localization and measurement of supratemporal auditory cortical activity .Auditory evoked magnetic potentials (AEP) and fields (AEF), which allow the investigation underlying auditory processing, can be obtained by averaging EEG or MEG epochs time-locked to the presentation of auditory stimuli. The earliest cortical AEFs, the middlelatency AEFs (MAEFs), occur at about 20-70 ms from stimulus onset. The MAEFs are composed of several distinct deflections, with Pam peaking at approximately 30 ms and Nbm at about 45 ms.There is evidence to suggest that serotonergic activity may modulate auditory evoked potentials (Hegerl and Juckel 1993;Juckel et al. 1997;Dierks et al. 1999) and background EEG frequencies (Knott et al. 1999). The sound intensity dependence of auditory N1/P2 amplitude has been suggested to be a specific indicator of serotonin function (Hegerl and Juckel 1993;Juckel et al. 1997). Reduced serotonin function leads to higher intensity dependence of N1/P2 amplitude and vice versa. However, Dierks et al. (1999) were not able to confirm these findings using ATD in healthy subjects. In contract, this study showed that ATD decreases the intensity dependence of N1/P2 amplitudes. In the recent ATD study using a 52-g amino acid challenge, Hughes et al. (2000) found no changes in auditory N1, P2, or P3 ampl...