The intriguing possibility of employing future ground-based gravitational-wave interferometers to forecast short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is explored. The forecasting prospect is quantified in terms of an advance-warning time: the binary-neutron star (BNS) inspiral time (to merger) from when the interferometer network accumulates a signal-to-noise ratio of 15. As sources for the Advanced LIGO-Virgo (ALV) network of 2020, BNS systems at luminosity distances of D ≤ 200 Mpc are considered, and similarly, BNS systems at D ≤ 1000 Mpc for Einstein Telescope. It is shown that the ALV network will provide a few minutes of warning time, thus will not forecast GRBs in the 2020s. On the other hand, Einstein Telescope will provide advance-warning times of more than 5 hours for D ≤ 100 Mpc. Taking 1 hour as a benchmark advance-warning time, a corresponding BNS range of roughly 600 Mpc is obtained for Einstein Telescope. Using current BNS event rates, it is shown that Einstein Telescope will forecast O(10 2 ) GRBs in the 2030s. This warning-time computation is reapplied to black hole-neutron star inspirals and it is found that one to three tidal disruption events are expected to be forecast by the same detector.