In the work, on the basis of the analysis of the phase transformations diagram for singlestage aging and temperature-time mechanical and corrosive properties for sheets of alloy 6013, it was established that the maximal values of the strength of the propertiescorrespond toa high tendency to intercrystalline corrosion. In order to improve the complex properties of sheets of alloy 6013 applied two-stage aging. Based on the analysis of the dependencies of the mechanical properties of sheets from alloy 6013 on temperature-time aging regimes, the regime of the first aging stage is selected-170 °С, 1,5 h. Keywords: hardening precipitates, phase transformations at aging, mechanical properties, corrosive properties, temperature-time maps of properties, regime of the first stage of aging. Введение. Сплавы системы Al-Mg-Si-Cu обладают хорошим сочетанием механических свойств, коррозионной стойкости, трещиностойкости, свариваемости и способности к формообразованию, что делает их весьма привлекательными для использования в Bulletin of Science and Technical Development № 5 (141), 2019