(Weiss, 1985a;Weiss et al., 1986). Autopsies on cases with a history of adenocarcinoma of the upper rectum indicated that hematogenous metastases developed first in the liver after seeding via the portal venous system; next, lung metastases were generated mainly by the liver metastases and next, arterial metastases were generated mainly by the lung metastases. In histologically similar cancers of the lower rectum, hematogenous metastases developed first in the lungs following seeding via the systemic veins and next, arterial metastases were generated mainly from the lung lesions. However, the patterns of arterial metastases seen in the two groups were different (Weiss et al., 1981), and it was considered that one underlying cause of this difference was associated with the metastatic growth of the first group in the liver, prior to dissemination to the lungs.In accord with the human autopsy data, the patterns of metastasis and organ colonisation in mice were also different following intravascular injection of colon-26 (Co26) carcinoma cells which had previously been grown in the liver, lungs or liver-then-lungs (Weiss & Ward, 1988).In Animals and tumours Balb/c 6 to 8 week old female mice (West Seneca Labs, NY) were used throughout. The Co26 carcinoma, originally induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosourethane (CorBett et al., 1975), was maintained by serial subcutaneous passage of mechanicallydissociated cells. Tumours were generated in five anatomic sites using cells mechanically-dissociated from subcutaneous (s.c.) tumours. Caecal tumours were obtained 12 days following injection of 106 cells into the apical lymphoid follicle as described elsewhere (Mayhew et al., 1987). Spleen tumours were obtained 9 days after intrasplenic injection of 103-104 cells (Mayhew et al., 1987) and s.c. tumours were obtained 18 days after injections of 1Os cells. Liver 'metastases' were generated in mice given intrasplenic injections which then underwent splenectomy 7 days post-injection; the lesions were obtained 13 days after splenectomy. Liver 'colonies' were obtained 14 days following injection of 10 Co26 cells into the portal vein. Lung 'metastases' were generated from mice with tumours growing in the kidney following direct renal injection of I04 cells, followed by nephrectomy 9 days later; lung lesions were obtained 13 days after nephrectomy. Lung 'colonies' were obtained 14 days following injection of iOs cells into a lateral tail vein. Histochemistry Tumour tissue from each site was fixed in 95% ethanol at 4°C and wax-embedded at low temperature (Saint-Marie, 1962). Sections were cut at 5 itm and following rehydration, endogenous lectins were identified by a modification of the ABC peroxidase method using a panel of 17 carbohydrates which were either directly biotinylated or coupled to biotinylated bovine serum albumin neoglycoproteins (Glaves et al., 1989). The panel of neoglycoprotein (NGP) probes and their carbohydrate specificities are listed in Table I. Sites of reaction of endogenous lectins with these probes were visual-