Most, if not all, cancers are composed of cells in which more than one gene has a cancer-promoting mutation. Although recent evidence has shown the benefits of therapies targeting a single mutant protein, little attention has been given to situations in which experimental tumors are induced by multiple cooperating oncogenes. Using combinations of doxycycline-inducible and constitutive Myc and mutant Kras transgenes expressed in mouse mammary glands, we show that tumors induced by the cooperative actions of two oncogenes remain dependent on the activity of a single oncogene. Deinduction of either oncogene individually, or both oncogenes simultaneously, led to partial or complete tumor regression. Prolonged remission followed deinduction of Kras G12D in the context of continued Myc expression, deinduction of a MYC transgene with continued expression of mutant Kras produced modest effects on life extension, whereas simultaneous deinduction of both MYC and Kras G12D transgenes further improved survival. Disease relapse after deinduction of both oncogenes was associated with reactivation of both oncogenic transgenes in all recurrent tumors, often in conjunction with secondary somatic mutations in the tetracycline transactivator transgene, MMTVrtTA, rendering gene expression doxycycline-independent. These results demonstrate that tumor viability is maintained by each gene in a combination of oncogenes and that targeted approaches will also benefit from combination therapies.inducible ͉ mammary gland ͉ ras R ecent successes in the treatment of several human cancers using agents directed against the products of single oncogenes (1) and the prospect of many more such agents becoming available (2) raise important questions about long-term outcomes of interfering with certain mutations in cancer cells. Should targeted therapies be directed against all of the genetic damage in a cancer cell? Or do cancer cells display a differential dependence on mutations, and can that differential be used to select the most potent targeted therapies?Experimental murine models of human cancer that depend on regulated oncogenic transgenes mimic hypothetical therapeutic situations in human cancers, for which highly effective targeted therapies might be used to block the action of one or more oncogenes. These models are indispensable for testing the effects of blocking two common human oncogenes, Myc and Kras, for which no effective therapies currently exist. By using this approach, tumor regression in response to oncogene withdrawal has been observed across multiple tumor types induced by either Myc or mutant Kras transgenes-lymphomas, leukemias, insulinomas, lung, bone, liver, and breast tumors (3, 4). However, inactivation of the same oncogene in different tumor types produced a range of long-term outcomes, from complete cure to invariable relapse.To reduce the effects of genetic variability on tumor regression and long-term remission after selective oncogene inactivation, we took advantage of the cooperative behavior of Myc and mutant Kra...